La Notte Rosa
The Italian summer’s New Year’s Eve
The 5 July the entire Riviera turns pink.
There’ll be shows, events, theatre sets, and scenery.
Each resort will interpret the theme in a creative and original way, offering everyone an unforgettable night of intense emotions.
The whole Riviera will become an enormous stage where everyone has a part to play.
La Notte Rosa will take place all along the coast, from the Lidos of Comacchio to Cattolica, but the heart of the event is the Riviera of Rimini.
The event
La Notte Rosa is the Italian summer’s great party; it is the summer’s New Year’s Eve along the Riviera.
La Notte Rosa offers:
• Shows
• Concerts
• Theatre, music
• Happenings
• Performances
• Magic, poetry
28.07 5 .07.2020
7 Day ALL I NCLUSIVE € 520,00